Sebastian Kripfganz

Senior Lecturer (advanced assistant professor) in Econometrics,
University of Exeter Business School, Department of Economics

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© Sebastian Kripfganz
Stata Programs
The xtivdfreg Stata package for instrumental variable estimation of large-T panel data models with common factors was updated on October 8, 2024, to version 1.5.0. This is joint work with Vasilis Sarafidis, who also produced a series of videos on the methodology and our Stata package. The latest version supports estimating spatial dynamic panel data models with unobserved common factors. An article documenting these spatial features is forthcoming in the Journal of Statistical Software.
I have recently presented my new work on serial correlation testing in error component models with moderately small T at the Workshop on Recent Advances in Panel and Network Data at the University of Oxford, and in the econometrics seminar at the University of Bristol. This is joint work with Matei Demetrescu and Mehdi Hosseinkouchack. Our proposed tests are implemented in the new xtdpdserial Stata program, which is available in version 1.0.2 since July 19, 2024. Presentation slides from the 2024 UK Stata Conference are available online.
I have updated the xtdpdgmm Stata program for the generalized method of moments estimation of linear dynamic panel data models to version 2.6.7 on July 11, 2024.
The xtdpdbc Stata program for bias-corrected estimation of linear dynamic panel data models was updated to version 1.3.2 on July 11, 2024.
As in previous years, I will be teaching again the final-year undergraduate module Econometric Analysis (BEE3015) and the postgraduate module Econometric Theory 1 (BEEM139) at the University of Exeter Business School in the academic year 2024/2025. In addition, I have taken on the responsibility as the organizer of the econometrics research seminar and the departmental role of open research champion.
My affiliation with the Research Center for Policy Design at Tohoku University as a visiting associate professor has been extended for another year until March 2025.
My article with Daniel Schneider on estimating autoregressive distributed lag and equilibrium correction models has been published in the December 2023 issue of the Stata Journal. It describes our ardl Stata program.
I have written a book review on Cameron and Trivedi's Microeconometrics Using Stata, Second Edition, which appeared in the December 2023 issue of the Stata Journal.
At the 2023 UK Stata Conference, I gave a presentation featuring extensions to the xtivdfreg and xtdpdgmm Stata programs, alongside a discussion of technical aspects on version control and package dependencies.
In July 2023, I was teaching a research methods course on advanced dynamic panel data methods at the University of Salamanca.
An updated version of my joint paper with Melanie Krause on insights from commuter flows for regional dependencies and local spillovers is now available as a Tohoku University Research Center for Policy Design Discussion Paper.
In June 2022, I have been promoted to Senior Lecturer at the University of Exeter.

Last update: October 8, 2024

© Sebastian Kripfganz
Senior Lecturer in Econometrics
University of Exeter Business School, Department of Economics
Visiting Associate Professor
Tohoku University, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Research Center for Policy Design